IMG 7213
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Bike lanes are a recent addition to California roads.
We took some bikes and rode into town to the local Cafe Joe wanted to show me
More storage options than you know what to do with for your bike.
A community of workers, many of them bikers as well, places like this are where different worlds meet
IMG 7213
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Drink your coffee, program  the future and fix your bike!
The owner of the Cyclismo Cafe is Swedish, she saw a gap in the market and starteed up this bike related business
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IMG 7213 im Album Motostrano Bike Shop California

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28.04.2017, 06:50
27.04.2017, 22:28
News 2017
Motostrano Bike Shop California
Canon EOS 7D
1/200 s ƒ/5.6 10 mm ISO 1600

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