First look at the bike in reality.
Mehr Fotos im Album "Thok Mig Test":
IM2 4692
Both these things make you head spin, wine and Thok Mig
Bike and award winning wine.
Die erste Begegnung mit dem Rad fand in einer für Italien nicht ganz ungewöhnlichen Umgebung statt.
First look at the bike in reality.
IM2 4656
Sunset time
Porto di Scarlino, accomodation buildings.
Waiting for Alex who was smoking a cigarette in the woods.
Great Lines

First look at the bike in reality. im Album Thok Mig Test

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05.04.2017, 12:34
03.04.2017, 20:46
News 2017
Thok Mig Test
Canon EOS 7D
1/13 s ƒ/5.6 20 mm ISO 3200

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